I disagree with your comments about “getting” Fauci. Not only should he be tried for treason for Covid, he should be shot for all the children he experimented on and murdered in the foster care system years ago, and all the poor people he killed with his fake drug for HIV. The man is as big a monster as the Nazis’ Josef Mengele if not worse. He got away with being a monster a lot longer than the Nazis.

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Absolutely !!!

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100% AGREE. His head MUST roll

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Agree! Fauci is a mass murderer!

“But it was never about ‘getting’ Anthony Fauci. Our goal is to ensure this never happens again.” The death penalty would also prevent this from happening again!

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And don’t forget the tortured beagles!

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He should be thrown into Guantanamo

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He should be swinging from a gallows.

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In Guantanamo

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Those under Fauci or contracted through Fauci are still able to be held to account. Fauci is not protected against international justice and he is not protected in a civil suite and all that he is worth can be redirected to his victims leaving him nothing. Criminal court is only the federal criminal code. State courts can still criminally prosecute should the evidence lead to criminal violations. But all of this requires individual personalities to push for truth and accountability. I pray at minimum truth is established and at best accountability is obtained.

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Fauci is a criminal, no questions asked. But no matter how unpopular it is to admit, IN ADDITION TO Fauci, Trump is plenty guilty as well. They BOTH lied, people died. See below, note the DATE of January 13, 2020 when there weren't even any cases in the US yet:



Why did Trump spearhead experimental mRNA vaccine development THAT EARLY for a "novel virus" still only found in China that wasn't even named "COVID" yet, and WHAT did he know in January 2020 regarding the "novel virus" that he chose not to tell or warn the US public about for another 2 months, until it was too late and the US soon had the highest death rate among Western countries?

And secondly, while Joe Biden is a hopelessly corrupt disaster of a "president", if we care about the TRUTH (not just what feels good to us), Trump trying to literally STEAL the 2020 election (let alone inciting the Jan 6 insurrection after his "peaceful" attempts to steal the election failed) is not a small crime by any stretch of the imagination, and in a fair society he would be punished instead of being rewarded with a second term. The truth is the truth and we have no right to rewrite history and have double standards, no matter how "cool" it may be to support Trump. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

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Dr. Judy Mikovits: World renowned PhD Biomedical Research Scientist with 50+ scientific published articles. NYT Best Selling Author. International speaker presenting solutions.

"I never believed they would create a bioweapon & inject the deadliest spike protein of al time."

Ya, neither did Trump. And he’s not a world renowned biomedical research scientist. BTW, Dr. Deborah Birx Admits She Manipulated Data and Altered CDC Guidelines to Deceive President Trump.


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Anytime that anyone is wishing Evil, Death ☠️💀 & Sickness to others, MIGHT WANT TO TAKE A GOOD LONG LOOK IN THE MIRROR.


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Dr Aseem Malhotra didn't know. His father died of the vaxx.

Dr Robert Malone didn't know. He and his wife both were sickened after their vaxx.

But Trump should have.🤣

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Pierre Kory didn't know. But Trump should have.🤣


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Jan 20Edited

Didn't know what? Completely missing the point to talk about Dr. Kory. My post is about how Trump signed off on JANUARY 13, 2020 for the development of an experimental mRNA vaccine against "a novel virus" still only in China at the time (obviously believing the "novel virus" was enough of a potential threat to the US to warrant the mass medical experimentation and massive $$$ for a new mRNA platform vaccine), yet he HID the significance of the same "novel virus" from the US public for another 2 months because he wanted business as usual at all costs to maximize his re-election chances, people's lives be damned. Fauci did the same thing with different motives, but people love to call out Fauci (as they should) while DELIBERATELY IGNORING Trump's crimes. You're free to keep pretending Trump is even remotely a "good guy" just because it feels cool to support him. Congratulations on the victory, especially today.

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You probably won't agree with what I'm about to say, but most in hospital deaths in America were from the treatment, not the vax.

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Jan 21Edited

Yes, most in-hospital COVID deaths were from the treatment "protocols", not the vaccine. But excess mortality data from around the world looks very bad for the "lifesaving vaccine". https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/cumulative-excess-deaths-per-million-covid?tab=chart&time=2020-01-25..2022-12-31&country=AUS~CAN~USA~JPN~GBR~DEU~ITA~NZL~KOR

Actually, my main point in the earlier post wasn't about the ultimate apparent deadliness of the vaccine. My main point was that Trump signed off on JANUARY 13, 2020 for the development of an experimental mRNA vaccine against "a novel virus" still only in China at the time- which means he obviously believed the "novel virus" was enough of a potential threat to the US to warrant the mass medical experimentation and massive $$$ for a new mRNA platform vaccine, yet he HID the significance of the same "novel virus" from the US public for another 2 months because he wanted business as usual at all costs to maximize his re-election chances. And this cost countless lives, as did Fauci's actions, but people conveniently ignore Trump's crimes. That was my point.

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Congratulations IMA, please include pharmacist in this organization.

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It was an admission that he is guilty. And a statement that justice cannot be served because the victims have no power.

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The great thing about a pardon is that now that the target is immune from prosecution, he can be forced to testify.

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It seems like an abuse of power to pre-emptively pardon people for no specific crime. Did the Supreme Court ever weigh in on that?

Our greatest hope for justice now has to be millions of Luigis looking for Fauci. There is no rule of law anymore, only mass murder for profit and the protection of mass murderers by the veneer of rule of law.

Fauci can still be hanged under international law for his crimes against humanity.

"he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States" And all of the individual states can charge him with murder.

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Thank you, IMA, for an excellent synopsis of the last 4 years.

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This is a sad day for the entire world as we fall deeper into the abyss of Death.

May God have mercy on us for all the harm done to our brothers and sisters.

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Well put , we must never forget all the injustice and harm done to so many people, millions and millions, and we will keep fighting for us, our children as well as for the dead and harmed in our endeavours to stop the vacc fury, the mandating and the insanities of t he WEF and the WHO. We have got to say no to the promised ill deeds, that are not in our liking nor in our responsibility.

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Thank you for continuing to demand answers and protocols/laws to prevent this from happening again. I disagree with your statement about Fauci. This isn't just about Covid. Fauci has been harming people for years beginning with HIV. Read "The Real Anthony Fauci" by RFK Jr. It's a tough read (so much pain and suffering) but worth it to understand the depth and breadth of his malfeasance. And while we go after Fauci let's not forget Gates.

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Fauci's criminal conduct, from AIDS to COVID, must be punished!

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Fauci needs to be held accountable for his crimes against humanity. If people are not held accountable, crimes such as these will continue to be perpetrated on people.

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Boy this event made me a little bit upset. I guess I still believed that the Rule of Law still exists.

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Only the guilty protects the guilty for they were all in the same boat. Hopeful that JFK Jr shall sink their boat with MAHA

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