There should be no mandates of any kind. Let the people be fully informed and allow them to make their own choice.

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because they lie, use pyschogical manipulation, controlled op and murder

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Wait - you mean "my body my choice"?

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How about end mandates on any vaccine?

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Hopefully all States will follow

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I love DeSantis. He allowed monoclonal during COVID and my family did well. Then they Biden was so jealous he TOOK them away

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We need a DeSantis in Canada.

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He’s still a bit of a RINO, but better than what y’all have there. Dr. Sansone and Dr. Ladapo have both been trying to get him to ban them here for a few years now….he is finally doing something about them. It’s kind of ridiculous how long this is taking.

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Tell DeSantis please come be governor of California!

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Pathetic that 2025 progress is a politician opposing MANDATED medical experiment that all the Health Freedom fighters still cannot correctly identify as mRNA TRANSFECTION the same process commercially used for ALL virology for decades. Humans NEVER tolerate foreign proteins, this is kindergarten biology not rocket science. https://web.archive.org/web/20121025034826/https://www.nytimes.com/1999/11/28/magazine/the-biotech-death-of-jesse-gelsinger.html

Also insulting the biology of TRANSFECTION growing CRISPR clones in E.coli aka Gain of Function is perpetuated as a myth of magic RNA sequences that open air PCR swabs can verify as pandemic.

So many years so many lies & so few corrected.. beyond shameful deceptions!!



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Still trying to figure out what this means. I live in Florida. We've never had mandates. We're supposed to be banning the mRNA shots altogether. Why are we talking about banning mandates that don't exist?

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Because there are hundreds of mRNA jabs in the pipeline.

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Hospital employees did.

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And military, and many others. My friends husbands in corporate jobs were all pressured daily to get covid vax.

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They existed in many states where people would not be ALLOWED to keep their jobs if they did NOT get the shot.

If they BAN mandates it sets a PRECEDENT in law so they will not be able to implement MRNA mandates in the future.

Many people in healthcare, military and other jobs lost their jobs because they said NO to being forced to get the untested experimental gene MODIFICATIOn injection.

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I, for one, said NO!

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There should be no use of these toxic, deadly injections even without a mandate. Far too many people are gullible and fall victim to fear-porn put out by the medical system - which we have discovered is willing to kill a large number of us in order to make money on our deaths.

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🥳👏🏻Fantastic. Someone with a conscience who REALLY follows the “science” which shows past and present DANGERS of MRNA “anything”.

Florida’s awesome Surgeon General, Joseph Ladapo was also instrumental in this decision, along with DR SANSONE.


Let’s hope ALL the other states follow suit.

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It’s about time.

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HOPE for Today ...

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I wish the Yale study would say exactly how many still had spike protein years later. “Some” is pretty vague.

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Only "Sonshine" can defeat the evil that is mRNA.

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Especially our military! I can't be sure, but the USA was the only military that mandated the kill shots! Not china, not Russia, maybe Japan. It's unbelievable and unfortunate this nightmare even happened.

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Canada did.

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Yes. LONG OVERDUE! EXCELLENT! Saving lives...

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MRNA in vaccines scared me so badly I will not take any vaccine ever again if I can help it. I pray they never put that MRNA into our pet vaccines.

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Stop vaccinating PERIOD


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