Thank you for sharing this exciting information!

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oh the science returns in research and truth professor Paul kicks doors down again love his doggedness humility and empathy a doctor s STAR

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Thank you so much for this important information.

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Dr. Marik , that’s one person, I’d like to meet , shake his hand and thank him for all he’s done . 💥🤗

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I’m using much of your list, except doxycycline and metformin. I used modified citrus pectin for a few months but it’s SO expensive so I stopped that one. I’m almost two years out from a mastectomy as I declined lumpectomy with radiation for a 6mm lobular carcinoma. So far so good! Do I need to keep on fenben, curcumin, turkey tail mushrooms etc forever?

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Similar question here: though I have been taking most of them much longer.

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When my mom came out of surgery to treat her ovarian cancer, the hospital offered her some ginger ale, chock full of high fructose corn syrup. I objected to the hospital staff, and the doctor finally agreed that they could find a substitute. Had she survived, I'm sure she would have taken the jabs and the boosters, so they could finish her off completely. Father had a stroke after his n-th booster and was paralyzed for 2.5 years until his death.

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It should be mentioned: Dr Thomas Seyfried has expanded on Otto Warburg's thesis. Controlling the (only) 2 fermentable foods which cancer survives on, glucose and glutamine, looks very promising as a cancer management approach.

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"However, this model is deeply flawed. Cancer is not just a genetic disease—it is also a metabolic one. Research has shown:..."

Total frigging BS to cite genetics as cause of cancers.. much less proven except in cases like Agent Orange Veterans whose children suffered a wide collection of health effects as a result of toxin induced mutations.. shameful fallacy to put into popular belief when causes have been overlooked for decades as NIH slush funds hunt genetic attribution.

Toxic release data collection ended w Ground Zero air declared fine by EPA Christie Whitman because the best remedy for toxic injury and deaths is to stop collecting evidence. Scorecard summary based on 1999 data and UC Davis who hosted the site for public pulled it offline in 2020.. shameful race for cures distracting from causes.

"Over 4 billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released by industry into the nation's environment each year, including 72 million pounds of recognized carcinogens. Scorecard can give you a detailed report on chemicals being released from any of 20,000 industrial facilities, or a summary report for any area in the country. "


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What the Hell..?? They mention Dr. Otto Warburg’s discovery but then they don’t talk about Oxygen Therapies..!!!!

Dude, please tell the people about Dr. Warburg’s talk in Lindsay, Germany years after his Nobel Prize; Oxygen is part and parcel of cure for Cancer.!!!! Without Oxygen in the Cellular Respiration process, the cells Will become Cancerous..!!!!

Waiting to hear your response on this,

Independent Medical Alliance..!?!

It’s important that people KNOW that Cancer IS Curable, WITHOUT DRUG INTERVENTION..!!!!!

I’m waiting….😌

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Thanks for joining in this important health discussion. Dr. Marik developed the Cancer Care monograph to encourage open scientific debate focused on treating cancer through the use of repurposed drugs and metabolic interventions.

We are forwarding your comments to our Editorial and Research teams, and will respond soon.

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Dr. Hope, I have heard that soursop tea is a big cancer fighter. Could you comment on sour sop Tea vs the green tea discussed in your article today?

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Any thoughts on Soursop Tea ?

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This is so so great and I’m on board. I’m dealing with Colon CSC’s ma d the one thing in Dr Marik’s book speaks of metoformin as very benificial. I’m getting 500 mg x 60 in the way to me hope about those? Also re: broccoli how about in concentrated form (bulk supplements) is where I purchased it.??? Ty so much

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Given the dismal outcome of chemo and radiation, why do these exciting developments always come packaged with the language indicating they're "just" an adjunct to "traditional care"? Why are so few advocating for different care, as opposed to not continuing to feed the existing oncological beast while doing this "on the side"? Why the push for "integrative" which seems to mean do chemo and radiation with this stuff, instead of just doing the best protocols??

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I believe the reasoning is that MORE people, and more medical organizations, are likely to accept repurposed drug (or other supplement) treatment if it is positioned as an "adjunct" to traditional (chemo and radiation) treatment.

In other words, we have to pretend that the star of the show is still chemo and radiation, and these other treatments (the real stars of the show) just "support" the chemo and radiation.

Remember: Most people have been brainwashed to believe that (1) chemo and radiation are the gold standard of cancer treatment and (2) alternative products like those mentioned in this article have not been proven, and thus we have *no* reason to believe they will work. Fearmongering will prevent many patients from trying these alternatives without also including chemo.

And also, as soon as you start showing the efficacy of these alternative treatments when used *without* chemo and radiation, the FDA, other gov't agencies, and big pharma will start a smear campaign against you and the products. We've all seen what they did to IVM...

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https://rumble.com/v6q5kwy-rosemary-gibson.html Rosemary Gibson's recent discussion with Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics.

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Rosemary Gibson's book and research is crucially relevant: https://www.prometheusbooks.com/9781633883819/china-rx/


Several decades ago, prescription and over-the-counter products were manufactured in the United States and Europe to high quality standards. Not now. China now makes essential ingredients for thousands of medicines, effectively free from quality inspection and free from liability.

I urge you to explore Rosemary's work and updates. See her twitter: @rosemary100

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Thanks. Have read 2 other books of hers.

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https://rumble.com/v6q5kwy-rosemary-gibson.html Rosemary Gibson's recent discussion with Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics.

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