Uh..studying the causes of autism is a disservice to the people with autism? What?

Looking into the causes of increased crime is a disservice to the people victimized by crime, I suppose.

The left is completely insane and morally bankrupt.

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That's not leftism, leftism is supporting the have-nots against the haves. This is just a combo of stupidity and self-dealing

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It's become the "left".

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Certainly it's come to be called that by some, incorrectly IMHO.

Kind of like, "Everything I don't like is Hitler."

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There can be no rational explanation for any medical organisation to deny an investigation to give confirmation, good or bad of any medication related to our children’s best health.

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Also we need a reduced vaccination schedule. What in the world is wrong with this schedule (oh, yes, big Pharma, medicine and pediatricians being incentivized to push shots.

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And that Fauci admitted to RFK Jr that they're were no safety studies conducted on any children's vaccines...

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Perhaps the fact that pediatricians make, on average, over half their income from the administration of vaccines (and then rake in additional grift from treating the diseases and disorders caused by that "prevention", making up much of the remainder) might just have a tiny, teensy, itty bitty something to do with their reluctance to see the fraud that is vaccination laid bare to public scrutiny.

Or is that just me?

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Is that a fact? I'm just now coming to the realization of how horrible the entire health system is and trying to navigate it with a new baby but didn't realize the income allocation. Pediatricians I've talked to claim they have "no kickbacks whatsoever" from vaccines given.

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Thank you

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This was my 2008 resignation letter to the AAP:


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Brilliant, thank you so much for sharing. I'm so sorry that it has come to this, but they must be exposed for what they're doing to humanity, as it's just not our children here in the US and it's just the tip of the iceberg, so sad. Job well done and thank you for sharing, you're in a good field now❤️

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Powerful! Courageous! Sincere and Honorable!

Need more like you, sir!



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I’m so glad I took the time to read your letter. I learned so much. I was already against vaccines, even though my children- now in their 20s were fully vaccinated (thankfully they were less back then in the early 2000s).

I’m an RN and had put complete trust in my children’s locally renowned pediatrician, but in the years leading up to the pandemic, my eyes were starting to be opened, and I blatantly refused to get them the Gardisil series and we actually just stopped doctoring altogether unless they came down with something like strep throat etc. partially because if there was any other vaccines they were trying to push we would not be subject to that and they were all healthy without any chronic disease problems anyway.

But your letter with you calling out the absurdity of them going against finding the answers ….and the mercury/thimerosol …all the findings and data that you put into this, now confirms my worst fears and I am grateful I can share these facts when caught up in discussions where people are defending them. Very interesting point as well on the number of future adults that are going to need Social Security and Medicaid because of their disability and how that will play out and impact things.

You’ve been part of that organization for a very long time and it’s so admirable to see you take a stand, confront them and leave!

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The AAP is completely captured by Pharma... they are no more than a mouthpiece for Pharma

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Well, i don't think i even trust their studies at this point.

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Initially I was against it. Now I’m wondering, maybe RFKjr is setting the CDC up. Once they come up with their BS “no connection” study, practice real science and have an independent group like Cochrane do their own study of the data. Then expose the cdc for the liars they are.

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As long as the data itself is not cooked by the CDC, the logical thing to do is to release the data so that it can be analyzed by anyone

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If your practice is based on the bonuses for vaccines frim insurance companies and the regular monthly visits for "wellchecks" to administer the vaccines, it all makes sense. It's a business model and it won't go down without a fight.

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Looking results in the face like a vigilante…THAT is what science SHOULD be about. Clarity, Truth, Integrity and Improvement.

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They are not interested in exposing their cash cow.

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I have all but given up on traditional medicine and Doctors for this very reason...here they are protecting an industry that is implicated in the harm of untold thousands and they are closing ranks around Big Pharma???

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The AAP is a shill for Big Pharma.

They claim they are for kids. Yet they remain steadfastly opposed to even looking at stuff that could, if it proves the AAP's position, could, according to what the AAP believes, actually help more kids.

"We can't have a study looking at vaccines and autism. We already know it will not prove any link. Nevertheless, it will be harmful to kids to do the study."

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"They' just never figured or expected 'their' conclusions would ever be examined or challenged.

Well, whitecoats, sorry to say, we have EVERY reason to assume that YOU are corrupt to the core.

When the 'truth' emerges, you'll have nowhere to hide and the 'pucker' feeling you are experiencing now in your digestive tract is your parasympathetic nervous system telling your 'reasoning' brain that judgement day IS coming for you!

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Mind numbing indeed.

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