Blowing into a tissue and swabbing the snot- what a great idea!! Why didn’t you all tell us this?

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Sorry! 🙈

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Though I've been closely following developments revolving around Covid for four years, it's an enormous subject and I'd never come across the idea that the nose swabs were dangerous. Would you be so kind as to refer us to information on this? Thanks!

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I see stuff on telegram literally daily; here's one article on ethylene oxide (which is in both masks and swabs): https://www.medpagetoday.com/publichealthpolicy/environmentalhealth/108966

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One of our customers is a biologist. She warned us to never use the swabs that come with the test kits. She said to use a regular q-tip instead.

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Why did that not occur to me LOL? I think I believed there was something on the swab that reacted with--or was activated by?--whatever the proper word for snot is. Not sure, in retrospect. Interesting!

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What a pity we did not know that , we did use swabs when we had to.

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Yup, that is what I did when my husband insisted that I take a test.

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Is it too crazy to wonder if they could have purposefully put other agents in the “poison stick”, knowing the unvaxxed were testing, like at an event where the vaxxed were cleared with their vaccine card, and the unvaxxed had to test at a specified location (and result negative) to participate? I hope that would be impossible.

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Ugh. Horrible thought, great idea for a novel...

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Go into the earliers 2020 data points on which I captured for thePCR timeline - you'll find links to concerns with the swabs or just CTRL+F for "swab"


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THEY wanted to hurt you to help big pharmacy's bottom line.

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I wish I’d heard about this technique. I work in the film industry and they were making everyone regardless of vaccination status to shove a stick up our nose 3-5 times a week for over a year.

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Sophie got Covid the first day she was on campus. I see that vaccinating all those other kids worked so well in preventing transmission. Not!

The saddest thing is how universities have metamorphosed from places where a young person could seek enlightenment and understanding, to centers of dogmatism and enforced conformity.

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Right? And her roommate was planning to seek an exemption, too... but dropped the ball so she went and got alllllllllllllllllllllllll the vaccines right before she moved in. Shed, much??? GRRRRRRRRRR.

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None of us were having any lingering effects UNTIL our 3 children were ordered back into their jab happy office. They literally had the only exemptions in the company. Their supervisor literally displayed a “Fully Vaccinated” coffee mug on Zoom calls. Most of their coworkers are STILL getting boosters. But on the bright side, only SIX cases of SADS. After returning to the office, all 3 had some issues. Vertigo, irregular heartbeats. This all well over a year after recovering naturally. Gotta go with shedding. The only other unjabbed person I know with any chronic issues was sleeping with someone who was jabbed 3 times. She stopped after her irregular heartbeat. She doesn’t think I’m crazy anymore. Especially since her cardiologist is booked solid and confirmed what I was telling her.

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Oh, the shedding is real. (I'm sure you've seen Dr. Kory's series on it???) There are lots of protocols out there to help reduce the effects; Dr. Kory's partner Scott Marsland just submitted an essay on Baobab to my upcoming anthology, which is pretty remarkable. LMK if you can't find the link and I'll dig up the original substack post!

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I am. Trying to get my son to schedule a consultation. The “experts” have nothing for him of course

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The propaganda here was get jabbed to protect someone else. It's like saying can you wear a coat as i'm feeling cold...🤣🤣🤣

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You are not alone. Glad for you and this article. As a scientist and leader of R&D for two past pharma companies ( GSK/Sanofi) that specialize in vaccines, those of us knew from the beginning that the C virus was spread via droplets an that defending the nose and mouth were critical for wellness and reduced transmission. That is why I created the product and company called ImmuneMist, a Povidone Iodine based nasal and oral cleanse. But the so called experts had us using tons of hand sanitizer ( not effective for airborne germs/viruses) and wearing chin diapers. Me and my team were the worlds first FDA and EU approved anti-viral N95 mask called Acti-Protect back in 2008 ( GSK) when bird flu hit. Thank goodness that virus died out and we did not need that. But that mask would have worked better than chin diapers. My point is clean your nose and throat/mouth regularly. Especially when you think you have been exposed, been in crowds indoors or feel something going on in your nose and throat area. www.ImmuneMist.com.

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This is amazing! Thanks for sharing. :)

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Thank you Stan! I have used your product and keep it in my medicine cabinet. God bless you.

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I’m reading this aloud to my sister. And I’m having to pause to choke back the tears.

“This isn’t just a book, Mom,” she told me one day. “It’s going to be a history book.” I like to think she’s right.”

Sophie is right Jenna. I feel sure you know what a gift you have been given by God to be a part of our history in co-authoring THE WAR ON IVERMECTIN (which by the way I have on my bookshelf).

If only words could express how very happy I am for you that your family came around. Maybe someday, my brothers will too. 🙏🙏🙏

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This means so much, and I pray your brothers come around, too. XOXO

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Public libraries need this book in their systems.

My library system doesn't have the book, but it does have access to all libraries in the state so I requested the book online. When the book came to the library I purposefully didn't pick it up until the last moment - it sat there for all to see who walked by. I shared with a friend my strategy and they expanded on it by calling their library, requested it, and educated whomever they talked with about ivermectin.

For anyone reading, please see if your library systems have the War on Ivermectin - if they don't, talk to the librarian and see if they can get you a copy. If your library has a form to fill out to request books the library should get, fill it out.

Every effort, no matter how small it's perceived, counts. I call this the "Library Campaign" - and yes it does make me feel good and counters the sign that still sits outside their door announcing they have free covid test kits.

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LOL I love it! :)

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Hey friend - I ordered from my local library THE WAR ON IVERMECTIN and never went to pick it up when they notified me that it was in. I told the guy who ordered it for me that he should read it. 😄

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hahahahahahahah yes, girl!

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I’m bringing the Real Anthony Fauci to mom and sis when I visit. Maybe I will add this

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Fabulous! We're always in the camp of whatever it takes!

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Great start. Now if we could just tatoo “How dare you trust Harma” on everyone’s foreheads

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I have 2 college age daughters and they would say the same thing, “Why are you so extreme about this issue? Why can’t you just be like other moms?”

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Now we can just say, "YOU'RE WELCOME."

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Because I love you. The other mom's judgment sucks :)

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Thank you for sharing your story. In a nutsell, I can relate. Your daughter is so lucky to have had your protection when it really, really, truly counted. And good for her, that she respected your judgement and held on through that time. The pressure to take the jabs was truly horrendous.

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Thank you for saying that. I saw this gut-wrenching article this morning and through actual tears, forwarded it to Sophie. "THIS is why I fought so hard for you, even though you were embarrassed and frustrated by me," I wrote. "THANK YOU for trusting me." https://makismd.substack.com/p/mrna-injury-stories-20-year-old-sofia

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I have transcribed so many testimonies of the injured and bereaved that it's a wonder to me that I can still cry. And in my own personal circles, there are a number of injured and several dead of stroke, sepsis, heart attack, and turbo cancer. Also, a case of Guillain Barré 2 days after first jab, and another of full-body convulsions directly following the first jab (and that one went and got the second jab, to be able to travel). There was no saying anything to any of them, they all raced to get their jabs like lemmings rushing to a cliff edge. Elderlies who are left now going on jab number 8. The future belongs to the ones who held out and refused— and are not overburdened with caring for others—I don't see how else this will play out.

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Mar 11, 2024
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I must live under a rock because I CANNOT BELIEVE these schools are still mandating this!!! Hopefully he can get an exemption if he chooses one of the evil ones...

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My family used to think I was crazy (I'm an old chiro). Not any more.

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The minute they started talking about MRNA vaccinations, I knew it would be hard pass for me. My daughter, sister, cousin, alternately exhorted, begged and demanded I get the jab. Three years passed with the jab as a giant elephant in the room bedeviling my relationships with family. A friend said, “ just go ahead and get, no big deal” ( Her husband now has Parkinsonian like symptoms. ) my husband and I both had the virus two years ago, took ivermectin and zithromax, did fine although we are in the so called risk factor age cohort. It took perseverance and gut to defy the existing narrative. Congrats to you and your family, and to me!

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It really did require Herculean effort to continue to fight despite all the name calling and disparaging--so congrats, indeed!

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Great story, this is also my story except my wife and kids thought I was crazy, I couldn't convince them to not take the first two jabs, due to work and school mandates, but that was the end of their jabs.

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THANK GOD. Ugh. (So presumably they no longer think you're crazy???)

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Right, not as crazy anyways. They all understand the nature and risks of the vaccine now. Pierre Kory and the ivermectin fraud were pivotal in my understanding that the science, regulatory agencies and governments were all compromised. Below was also a big factor.


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Thank you, SO appreciate your story, oddly it brings me comfort. My story didn’t work out so well. My husband (hospital CNO) divorced me, and to date still pushing c19 shots on his community.

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Ugh, I'm so sorry... and glad this brings you comfort.

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Thank you.

And, thank you for your voice, 🙏🏼 it reaches far and wide in this critical time.

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I’m so sorry Lynn. I have no doubt that one day he will seriously regret those decisions.

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🙏🏼, thank you.

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Please be sure to click where Jenna linked Sophie’s “My Story”. It’s priceless and I feel sure will bring you to tears as it did for me. 🥰🥰🥰

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Laura, you're literally the sweetest......................

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Backatcha Jenna 🥰

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The only difference is I wrote a religious exemption because I knew somebody who was denied medical at her school where she almost lost her volleyball and academic scholarship. I tweeted and messaged the chancellor weekly. She had to wear a mask while she played when the vaxed did not. That INFURIATED me!

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Thx for your support. Your story is heart warming. My daughter is a functional regenerative practitioner and earned all family members about the garbage in the vaccines. She made up IVs to detox those patients who were vaxxed because of work or school mandates.

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Oh how I felt your pain. I too was immediately concerned and begged all my two children not to take the deadly jab. I had two friends die suddenly after taking this. But my kids wouldn’t listen and I became the conspiracy theorist and it divided us. Not only did they take it but into it they got their five children into it. My daughter ended in the hospital with heart issues and her daughter, first year college student who was forced to get it or couldn’t attend Mass Pharma landed in the hospital with a terrible asthma attack. My daughter still has issues with blood issues. They all are constantly sick with whatever is going around so it appears they know have compromised immunity. Everyday I still fear the call of a sudden death. I pray everyday. I still can’t believe this country attacked its own citizens in an unbelievable plot to take down Trump and allow the country to be taken over by the WEF.

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Oh Susan, I am so incredibly sorry. The division was probably the worst, most evil part. (I guess right after the DEADLY POISON, but still; it's up there.) I pray for your family, too. As I said in another comment, there are spike detox protocols they could take--or are they still drinking the Kool-Aid? :(

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When my daughter graduated from high school she and a few friends wanted to go to the Bahamas for their “senior trip”. She was still 17 years old and beautiful. I told her NO way without an adult chaperone. She cried, carried on, and told me I was a bad parent. They didn’t make the trip. The Natalie Holloway abduction/murder occurred the following week…my daughter realized I wasn’t so bad after all.

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OMG. That's one (horrific) way to be right. Glad she didn't go, though! :(

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