In the "Gulag Archipelago," Alexander Solzhenitsyn recounts with remorse and amazement how meekly the hapless targets of Stalin's KGB thugs accompanied their captors to prison. He postulates that if they had only fought and screamed for help, attracted others' attention, perhaps a crowd, who would harangue the thugs, block their way, puncture their tires, they would've made it too difficult, too embarrassing, even too dangerous for the agents to do their jobs, and the machine would've ground to a halt.

Similar observations have been made about the way the Jews in Nazi Germany and the countries they overran allowed themselves to be rounded up by and herded like sheep onto trains to their deaths. The Jews learned an important lesson from that, which they have never forgotten, encapsulated in the defiant cry, "Never Again!"

In both cases, the fatal psychological weakness, which the tyrants understood and exploited, was the hope that if one could just explain things properly and behaved civilly, the authorities would understand their arrest was all a big mistake, that they were loyal citizens, that the authorities would understand, and all would be well.

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Powerful analogies and so well put.

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In a similar vein, but a "level up," so to speak, I am reading a book called, "THE SECRET OF THE STRENGTH" by Peter Hoover. In it, he gathers stories and quotes of the first AnaBaptists In 16th century, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. They were a totally different breed from their ossified and sequestered descendants, the Amish, Mennonites, and Hutterites of today. Whereas the Catholic Church and the newly-birthed, so-called "Reformation" churches both propagated Constantine's model of fusing the State and the Church, creating a Frankensteinian hybrid that compelled people en masse and by fiat to affirm and perform things they neither understood nor believed in their souls, the Anabaptists, having read the Scriptures for themselves and naïvely assuming they meant precisely and no more than what they said, took it upon themselves to live as Jesus did, as he taught his disciples to live, and as first century Christians DID live until the human penchant for institutionalizing and setting up authority structures overcame them. This pure, simple, conscience-driven form of Christianity spread like wildfire in the first century and in the 16th century throughout German speaking Europe. These childlike but stouthearted believers bowed to nothing and no-one above their consciences and Christ, and consequently brought upon themselves, the most severe and cruel persecutions by both the Catholic and the "Reformed" State churches seen since the days of Caligula and Nero. And like the first century Christians, they went to their tortures and deaths at the stake, the sword, and drowning with joy and hope in their hearts, thanking Christ they were counted worthy to suffer for his name. They could do this because their hope and kingdom was not in this world which they knew was doomed to corruption and would never be perfected by man.

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Just a note to point out that there are alternatives to this presentation of the history of Christianity.

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Especially since if the claims in the book sacred mushroom and the cross have any credence, christianity is code for the ancient pagan fertility beliefs.

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Yes. If.

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B. Meyer - one of my dearest friends is Jewish. She and only one other Jewish friend within their very large community of Jews are the only ones who see the parallels to what happened all those years ago. It’s tragic. They blame the fact that many friends are ill or dropping dead on “aging” 😢

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That's awful - that the others don't see it. But then, Israel itself allowed itself to be the prime proving ground for Pfizer. Which was itself astonishing - had no one learned from history? It seemed not.

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Yes, until I learned that Israel was going full throttle on the COVID jab, I had always held a quiet respect for them in achieving what they have as a people. But since then, I am no longer sure who is in charge there and whether they have been usurped as a people like we were in 2020. They were the last ones that I thought would accept the unproven jab as readily as they did.

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Also seems Israel hasn’t learned that when you imprison, not execute, terrorist murderers you set the stage for the next hostage event, to release the same murderers. It never ends.

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Maybe the actual history made them complacent

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The whole daggone country?! I mean, what happened to "never again."

I assume you mean the effects of trauma, and loss of agency or hypovigilance or something. But, what about hyPERvigilance and such. It is hard to believe the whole entire county went along as easily as it did.

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Well Trump still believes Operation Warp Speed was his greatest achievement and saved 100 million lives.

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I don't for a moment believe that one could have resisted Stalin at the depth of his depravity by making a fuss, anymore than a mainland Chinese or north Korean could today; these regimes proved and have proven themselves to be murderous. A scene might cause the first responders to retreat, but everyone knows the second wave will cast the net over the entire neighborhood and be even more ruthless.

I was a fan of Solzhenitsyn since Gulag Archipelago came out when I was in high school. What I most remember was his later regret that his monumental work was lost on the West which had preferred its head in the sand.

I agree that one of the two parts of the real problem is that "hope springs eternal" and people keep hoping against hope that "the mistake will be discovered," but the second, and truly evil, part is that there will ALWAYS be people--"fellow" citizens--who (and we saw it in Covid in spades) will BE WILLING TO SELL OUT THEIR NEIGHBORS TO SAVE THEIR OWN lives/freedom/wealth/status/esteem/ad nauseam. Of all the things I wish for, I wish most that there was a way to identify who these people are BEFORE they are able to betray others... but how can any of us know what WE would do?

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Yeah, I see your point. Well taken, However, I also remember the way that the Philippine dictator. Marcos, was overthrown by the people assembling en masse before his palace in the face of tanks and snipers, to the point where the soldiers were too ashamed and intimidated to fire upon them, and Marcos and his wife fled. Maybe not entirely comparable, but it does illustrate the idea that once a tyrannized populus realizes, "Hey! There are far more of us than them!" (and enough are willing to assume the risks of martyrdom for being the first to defy their masters, the tide can be turned.

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And I agree with you on that, and Romania's another good example. However I think the regime has to have suffered a sufficient amount of rot (or blindness) before it can be toppled in such a way. The problem is (Helots in Sparta, the Vendee, Warsaw Ghetto, Hungary, Tiananmen Square) that the status quo is typically better positioned to win, and then they historically set new records for atrocities.

I think our founders foresaw the best solution: when your tyrannical government comes for you, it would be more than just "nice" if you and your family and your neighbors were, all, armed sufficiently to encourage them to use the courts as a first resort.

If a person "does not want guns in their house," I am not interested in their opinions about freedom. There. I said it.

Similarly, if an American "does not vote," I am not interested in their opinions about how America needs to change.

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I appreciated you and B’s chat. Where do you think we are headed at this point? I’ve watched both “sides” completely going crazy with hatred toward the other. Of note, I’ll start with dying for my family if need be, protecting them. But I’ll go out blazing.

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Sadly,in any stand offs with our government that I can recall,”going out blazing “ is exactly what happened. There’s got to be a better way..Though, I’m all for the 2nd amendment ,but,not enough people are prepared in that way..

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I appreciate your angle. It’s more a figure of speech, but I am also a hillbilly hunter. I get so frustrated at BOTH “sides” of the criminal enterprise that is government.

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@Jim Ryser, St. Thomas More wrote: "The times are never so bad but that a good man can live in them."

If it comes to dying for your family and the need to go out blazing, sometime before that there will undoubtedly be a time of hardship. [Referencing Aesop's fable of the Grasshopper and the Ant] at that time, the "grasshoppers" will show up at the "ants'" doors, begging for help. The Haves will have a decision to make: turn the Have-nots away in righteous indignation at their presumption, or invite them in in empathetic recognition of their shared nature. There--and in fact any time of trouble--will be the time for one side to demonstrate to the other how wrong-headed it has been about hatred.

To answer the question, I think we, the world, are headed "to hell in a handbasket," enjoying only a momentary respite. I see nothing that indicates "the world" understands how easily tyrants are born when people choose to have their bellies served. I see nothing that suggests that "the world" understands that they live at the sufferance of their Creator and that they ought, at least, to try to offend Him less. As a result, I firmly believe that the prophesied day-of-reckoning is coming. At the election of the immediate past Scourge of the Republic, I started learning to preserve food and put up wayyy more than two of us can use, in anticipation of other folkses' needs. (I got the idea from a prepper friend who selected the site for his "compound" 'more than 4 days' walk from any major metropolitan area,' which struck me as having the wrong end of the stick. Rather than survive 300 days on a hoard of 900 meals, I (think I) prefer inviting 1798 starving fellow human beings to join us in sharing one glorious last meal together and making our peace.

(It also helps that I'm obsessive-compulsive and having started canning, I cannot rest until "all dry beans are become canned wet beans.")

But again, we all have fantasies of "what we will do when," but we can only pray that we will be able to step up and live up to our expectations. (Of course, one should keep in mind that the next Stalin could show up and expect 1800 meals for himself--so blazing guns should at least be within reach...)

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Good for you for learning to can. It is very satisfying.

You remind me of a Star Trek( DS9) scean where Quark is telling his nephew that “ humans are a lovely,warm people, as long as their bellies are full and their holodecks are working “

I’m not sure the hungry hordes would arrive at your door with a gentle “please feed me”..However, I can say that I would very much enjoy you as a neighbor!

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I absolutely LOVE your response!

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Well said,David.

However,I really do have to hope goodness and sanity will prevail. My immediate neighbors ( a small rural culdasack) were seemingly on the same page as us during Cvd,but,all over town people were turning in their neighbors if they had one too many cars in their driveways,and,announcing they would ban anyone from everything if they didn’t comply with the jab.

It was horrifying to learn this about my townspeople!

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My friend, His Excellency Richard Williamson (R.I.P.) advised that "when the time comes" it will come down to "neighbors helping neighbors."

Thanks for doing what you do.

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Point taken, but many of those Jews were betrayed by their Zionist "betters", who did deals with the Nazis and failed to warn of what lay at the end of the railway lines.

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Yes. And the same can be said of current leaders in Israel. Remember the Pharisees who rejected Christ. These same people still limit their Bible learning to a handful of books in the Bible. This is chilling. Putting trust in leaders is dangerous beyond belief. People who want to lead, want control. It's a huge power ego. Now, it can be for the good, but never let your guard down.

The first century Christians were groups of people who agreed with Jesus words, but they were independent. They didn't have 1st Century Central. There were groups all over, think of all the letters Paul wrote to Christians scattered about. That organized, non- organized Church of Christ remains. They remain steadfast to the Bible, living as the Bible says. But, look at all the church organizations, with headquarters and complicated hierarchies, many who have picked or chosen what is relevant to them. They're more a social activity, where they teach the Golden Rule.

If nothing else, the pandemic was a crash course in what to do when governments run amok. How many people did a deep dive into themselves, reaching for unknown strengths and understanding. Thank God for those who KNEW THE SCIENCE, and put their lives, employment, reputation on the line for truth and preservation of lives. For theirs is the Kingdom on high.

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First century Christians did not have the Bible.

Even when there was the Bible, ordinary people didn't have it because there was no printing press.

Even when there was a printing press, ordinary people didn't have the Bible because they couldn't read.

All those centuries when ordinary people couldn't read Bibles.

How, oh how, could Christ have planned for them to get to Heaven?

Simplicity itself; He established His Church, ordered Her to TEACH, and gave Her His Authority. Done, and Done.

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Very much appreciate your comment there, David. After months of prayer and reading and watching videos by people who have been re-examining what the new testament documents show about the way Gen 1 Jesus followers lived out their faith together, how they conducted their gatherings, The advisory rather than authoritarian roles played by elders, and how they spread the gospel, I've decided to start a little House church in my Tiny Home, that hopefully will create a more holistic koinonia experience and give full scope to every participant's God-given gifts for edify one another.

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With respect, I appreciate your motives, but the more "the Church" splinters into different sects, the more the "salt loses its savor." The only hope is for the separate "parts" of the Body of Christ to heal their separations. I regret that the current visible head of Christ's Church on earth does not seem to share this view. History however teaches that there have been bad popes before and that the position taken was to wait them out until sanity and sanctity were restored. May God bless your search.

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FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFing brilliant analysis thx

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Sometime after my husband was hospitalized for a stroke in Feb 2022 (1 1/2 weeks after recovering from his first case of COVID BTW), I learned that on admission, they did drug and alcohol testing on him. Which infuriated me. Back when I worked as a nurse in a hospital, you needed either the patient's permission - or a warrant to do that particular blood test. And they had neither. I communicated with an ER nurse friend in Mississippi, and she said this blood test was standard "because everyone lies," and there were potential life-threatening medical consequences if they lied. So apparently we "help" everyone by assuming everyone lies, and spend their health care dollars by doing drug and alcohol tests without their knowledge or consent.

Well, about 15 years before my husband's hospitalization, those consequences were just as dire, but if our patients chose to lie, the consequences were on THEM, and we, their health care providers, did our best to keep them alive. Additionally, as in one case I recall with a man in severe DT's from withdrawal from a (denied) alcohol problem - there were times we also had to do our best to keep ourselves from being harmed. This particular individual was in full restraints, and was still managing to jump his bed midway across the room. We eventually found a sedative that worked for him, and were at last able to safely bathe him and change his linens. Fortunately he survived.

Despite my experience of caring for this violent patient, I still believe that there should be consent required for drug and alcohol testing. It was one step toward what we experienced during COVID. Masks "for your own good." Social distancing "for your own good." Experimental vaccines "for your own good," AND to protect "Granny!" (For good measure) As well as all the other idiotic, tyrannical decisions forced upon us. These sort of things don't begin as a huge, incredulous take-over (well, not unless it was the COVID pandemic); they begin with small steps. Thus my outrage over the drug and alcohol test on my dear hubby who has never taken a drug that wasn't prescribed for him (and he never took ANY of the prescribed pain meds once he was home after having his sternum cracked open and heart operated on. I was impressed!), and only occasionally drinks one craft beer during the evening. As you pointed out in your wonderful article, it's a slippery slope. I did a little brainstorming (it's late, so it's not overly creative or brilliant), and here's a potential next "little"step of a slippery slope: What if they begin drawing/storiing our DNA samples "for our own good?" And, like with my husband, not only do they not ask for our consent, but what if we're not told about it until we read the itemized hospital bill? It might be more invasive and have more privacy implications than any DOGE nerds looking at education records.

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P. Kelly - I don’t think it’s a stretch to think that the hospitals already do take samples of our DNA without our consent or even documenting it. That’s so they can capture those that didn’t willingly give their DNA to 23 and Me, etc. Foolishly, I was one of them. 😡😩

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I may be mistaken, but I thought that hospitals now routinely take DNA samples from newborns, just as they routinely give them Vitamin K shots and Hep B jabs.

When I required surgery and was mandated to take a covid test in order to receive said surgery, I asked the person administering the test a) where was the swab going (a lab), b) who had access to the swab, and c) what happened to the swab when they were done with it? The tech didn't know anything other then stick the swab all the way up to my brain and send it to the lab. No one else I asked had any idea, and I couldn't get past the first level of "management". I am suspicious that the hospitals were (are?) sending all those swabs to a DNA database.

Mrs. "the Knife"

P.S. I should have read through the other comments first - other people have covered these points. :-)

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I disagree that “everyone lies” but I will vouch that every addict/alkie in the throes of the addiction sure lies! That being said, excellent point on being careful “for your own good.” I remind people I have a mother so F off. 😉 (not YOU, by the way. Just those who try n mother me)

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Your clever weave of 'F off' in the same sentence referencing your mother brought to mind something my old boss Harold took off the fax machine and posted in the shop. (Remember when FAX machines carried the hottest news?? It's said that Russian "samizdat", "self-publishing" not 'same-az-dat' as I thought, is what brought down the USSR.)

Titled "Ten Reasons Why I Curse," I can only--to my utter shame--remember two of them:

* "It shows my extensive command of the vocabulary in my native tongue."

and the last one,

* "It makes Mother proud."

(Hope she's not watching...)

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Love it!!!

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Hospitals now routinely vaccinate newborns against hepatitis, the disease of literal choice of intravenous drug users, because "parents lie" about whether their children will ever choose drugs. We opted out of the vaccination for one of ours, only to have it show up on the itemized bill... Leading to a question for the administrator of: "Were you lying THEN, or are you lying NOW??"

In West Texas, there's a saying, "No'un's more dangerous 'n some'un's jes' tryin' to he'p."

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Yup you cannot let that child out of your sight for one second.

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David - are you aware that attorney Aaron Siri is asking for parents to contact his firm with reports such as yours?

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Thank you, Laura, I was not, but "statute of limitations" in this instance. We've tended to minimize our contact with institutionalized medicine since, so are not having a lot of opportunities to gather more evidence of abuse.

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Oh my gosh! That they can just ASSUME that everyone lies is horrendous! I do realize that most folks that have substance/alcohol issues DO indeed lie, but I would figure that other lab values would demonstrate that…and, as you stated….it’s on THEM because they chose to not be truthful.

What transpires in hospitals nowadays is downright scary. They will vaccinate newborns even against the parents wishes!! I myself just had a shoulder repair last month, and am going in for hernia repair next month. (Trying not to further damage my back in my recent move, unfortunately I ‘blew out’ my shoulder and abdomen….I needed moving help that wasn’t there due to lack of funds). Guess I’m not as ‘bionic’ as I thought… but grateful to have moved!

Quite frankly I have a palpable

fear of being “vaccinated for my

own good or safety” while I’m

there, even though I strongly

verbalize and write it down that

I don’t want it! (They LOVE to

encourage all the latest

injections because I’m a ‘senior

citizen’. The places I used to work in and think so highly of have become absolutely terrifying places to me! (I jump through hoops to attempt to make anything I have to have done an “outpatient procedure”

This article is so true. The previous comments are sadly such a true observation of what

is transpiring in our society and

where we are headed if we take

our eyes off the road, so to


PS: On a bizarre side note ~ one of what was my all time fav 90’s videos to dance to will NEVER EVER be the same in my minds eye! 😵‍💫

be the same!

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I too share that same thought, They'll jab against my verbal and written wishes.

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I’ve heard the fraudulent PCR tests up the nose were in reality for just that DNA gathering purpose so that horse may be looong out of the gate

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THIS is an incredibly great point. And one that most physicians and medical staff never question, brainwashed as they have been. And I say that knowing that most of them truly believe they are acting with kindness and integrity.

Many hospitals now routinely urine drug test pregnant women because drug use has increased and they need testing for both maternal and baby purposes. This seems perhaps a bit trickier, as babies in drug withdrawal can be hard to ID at first if there isn't a known history of drug use in mom.... although MOST of the time, it IS known.

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Yes, the hospitals are so concerned for the health of that baby that they wait a couple minutes after the birth before starting their "schedule" of injecting poisons into the fresh baby.

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Because of covid, I now cringe when anyone says they are acting to keep us safe. The safety urge has now extended to our local school district (in a rural town of under 5,000) where beginning this year, students are no longer able to walk across intersections without the help of crossing guards who carry large signs saying STOP and wear safety vests. All the guarded intersections also are streets where there traffic signals and the speed limit is 25. The school board used one word to explain the reason why students may not cross intersections without a guard. Safety. And when people hear it, they won’t object because … safety. Meanwhile, the kids are fed junk food for lunch.

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Wow. And that's all part of the indoctrination, isn't it? "Look, kids, you're simply not capable of doing things without our loving guidance and protection. Make sure you don't ever think you can do simple tasks without us, okay? We'll keep you safe, promise..."

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I can’t think of anything more helpful to a society than a generation of helpless and dependent adults.

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Prior to crossing “safety,” I can’t think of a single kid being hit by a car.

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MEANWHILE, my last house in California was at the end of a cul-de-sac. Up the road our dead-end merged into a larger road at a completely blind curve, where there was no yield or stop sign. There were accidents there literally ALL THE TIME (and all the kids walked to the school around the corner, even though there were no sidewalks). I called the city, wrote letters, begging for some sort of traffic sign there. Do you know what they told me 'after careful review'? That there hadn't been any FATAL accidents so it wasn't up for consideration. I literally said, 'I'll be sure to call you back just as soon as someone dies."

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And your need for a real stop sign reminds me of this: another town near me busses kids to the school that is exactly (I stopped myself from saying “literally “ there) across the street from where the kids live. SMH

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I have difficulty safely exiting my neighborhood some mornings as parents have their running cars parked on the side of the road with their lights on waiting with their kids to get picked up by the school bus. It hinders my seeing past them to gauge oncoming traffic. Other kids just wait by the stop, so it is possible!

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Sarcasm at its finest; xclnt

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I similarly have a visceral reaction when I hear someone admonish "be safe," or "stay safe," or anything else using the word "safety" or "safe."

I will determine my own threshold for what is a threat to my welfare, thank you very much. You can encourage me to be careful, or to be mindful, or whatever else. But do not tell me to be safe.

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Funny, I tell my boys to “drive safe” on their way back home. They know I mean “for insurance purposes”

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I suppose "drive safe" is the one use of the word "safe" that I can currently accept. It was in common usage pre-plandemic and has pretty reasonable meaning. Be alert, be a defensive driver, use your turn signal, and so on. In other words, take responsibility for yourself. Not the "take responsibility for me and everyone else" that underlay the covid junk.

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Yeahhh, true. But mainly I mean don’t cost me more money I don’t want to give “safety” enthusiasts - lol

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Lol. Exactly.

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I suspect utterances like "stay safe" have been promoted as part of the larger effort to condition us to fear normalcy and to believe we need round-the-clock protection. I prefer "Have a blessed day," or "Be adventurous." Or, simply, "Good-bye."

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I recoil reflexively at “stay safe” 🤡

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I would like to visit a town where the speed limit is 25--AND local drivers DON'T give themselves permission to drive faster.

Signs and Painted Lines and Vests can not "protect" anyone, relying as they do on universal compliance.

Wisconsin began going through an ordeal here a few years ago transforming classical 90-degree intersections "controlled" by stop signs, with euro-style "roundabouts." ANDddddd... people HATED them! (Now they prefer them because you can get through intersections more quickly and in a way that seems more fair.)

A traffic engineer explained it this way: "People are funny. They 'feel' safe crossing an intersection because there is a painted sign 'protecting' them, but they are not really safe because the paint can't stop a car. They don't like roundabouts because they don't 'feel' safe, even though the design is such that if their vehicle is struck it will be at an angle, and not a T-bone--and not coincidentally, at necessarily lower speed. They are, actually, provably, 'more safe', but they want the 'safety' of their painted signs and curbs and crosswalks."

The point should be: if you want SAFETY, you should DESIGN FOR SAFETY, and not for the ILLUSION OF SAFETY. (Want kids in school to BE safe? Arm the staff and teachers. Oh, and change the CURRICULUM to something that teaches EVERY HUMAN LIFE IS A VALUABLE MIRACLE FOR SOCIETY, and not that humankind is destroying the planet!!! wahwahwah.)

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I should add you haven't lived traffic-wise until you've "enjoyed" a "Michigan left." The only place I've encountered them is on a highway somewhere north of Springfield, Missouri[sic]. Apparently, they are designed to take advantage of people's heightened caution when making U-turns because intersections of lesser roads with major 4-lane highways (that are not controlled access) are being replaced by a pair of U-turns.

To "turn left" on one of these entertainments, you drive PAST your destination, execute the specially-placed-for-you U-turn, go back to the scene of your earlier frustration, and TURN RIGHT! See? Simple! Presumably, you are much less prone to think you can execute a U-turn "with inches to spare" in front of that 18-wheeler hurtling at you than a silly old run-of-the-mill left.

Springfield's even got at least one "Wacky Overpass" over I-44 where TRAFFIC SWITCHES LANES AS IT ENTERS THE BRIDGE (south-bound traffic goes from right-over-to-left lane and left-goes-over-to-right) and then BACK AGAIN at the other end!

It's another instance where you can't really do it if you're not paying attention. Each of these instances no doubt filters out a lot of drunk drivers in their vicinity.

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Yep. Michigan the Michigan left is nonsensical

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"Hush now, baby, baby, don't you cry

Mama's gonna make all of your nightmares come true

Mama's gonna put all of her fears into you

Mama's gonna keep you right here under her wing

She won't let you fly but she might let you sing

Mama's gonna keep baby cozy and warm"

"Hush now, baby, baby, don't you cry

Mama's gonna check out all your girlfriends for you

Mama won't let anyone dirty get through

Mama's gonna wait up 'til you get in

Mama will always find out where you've been

Mamma's gonna keep baby healthy and clean

Ooh, babe, ooh, babe, ooh, babe

You'll always be a baby to me"

Pink Floyd, "Mother"

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Exactly. Just like the Mafia, keeping people "safe from accidents."

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lol exactly

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We the people spoke now let’s get with the right agenda. Thank you Jenna and IMA. Keep making a difference!!!!

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Excellent article I similarly followed the same path by hiking in the woods as you described it

Safety at the cost of my freedom is a call to war

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That gave me literal chills. :)

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People should read George Orwell's book 1984. The book was written in 1949 and set in the future. There are many parallels in the book to today as Jenna describes it .... The total control of society!

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Some good citizen (Mel Gibson?) should make it as a new movie.

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I've often said that if "they" thought there were money or opportunity for control in it, there would be a safety manual about pencil erasers.

I'm of the mind that the bureaucrat that comes up with a safety procedure or warning, for something people have been navigating and surviving for thousands of years, is an idiot, grifter tyrant and not an expert - and they and their ilk are readily told to F-off.

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Like eating Tide pods or drinking radiator fluid. There are now written warnings for these!

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That's what I think whenever I see some asinine warning. "Wow, someone must have actually DONE this..." Sad.

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I saw a bumper sticker that said, "Just remove all the safety warning labels. The problem will sort itself out."

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Survival of the fittest used to be a good enough bench mark; now we have Darwin Awards to prove that idiots SHOULD be culled & w/out asinine warnings to insult the rest of us

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Yup and that's them trying to regulate stupidity and avoid lawsuits.

Sorry but the public needs to take responsibility in keeping themselves alive. Either make sure the harmful poisons are out of reach and teach your kids not to be stupid or join the numbers that have made the Darwin Award list.

I was a rambunctious boy growing up and was around all manner of chemicals and poisons and it was made clear to me that they were off limits and why. I never had an inkling to chug antifreeze, take meds that were in the medicine cabinet, eat soap, or stick a fork in a wall outlet.

The OP of this post is correct that when we ceded our responsibility to keep ourselves safe, to the corps and government, we handed them a tool of control that has no ending point.

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Like "pharmas" ads, don't take if allergic??

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And the utter stupidity of that allergic warning is it comes after the litany of possible side effects…brain bleeds, anal bleeding, diarrhea, suicide, heart attack, stroke, etc.

The allergy warning is an insult to anyone with a functioning brain cell.

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I had an awful case of covid. I went in to the ER, assuming I also had pneumonia, hoping for antibiotics. I asked them to x-ray & listen to my lungs. That’s it! I KNEW I had covid bc, DUH… They insisted I didn’t have pneumonia and wouldn’t do the x-ray, They insisted I do the PCR test. WHY, I asked? If you practically have to dig into your brain to find a covid virus, why walk 6’ apart?

I had as much of a fit as I could muster, sick as I was, telling them I had not come in for any tests other than an x-ray. No pregancy test, no STD, not strep, NOTHINg.

They insisted. I complied and I’m still mad at myself. AFTER the PCR test, she listened to my lungs and had the audacity to say, “Oh, MY, it seems you have pneumonia!” as though I had not brought up the possibility.

I’ve never wanted to slap someone as badly as I wanted to slap her.

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{Most} doctors gave up their minds during covid. Appalling. And they haven't retrieved them yet.

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sad. very sad, but they mostly are in the pockets of Big Pharma

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Problem is that most of them don't realize it. They have no.idea that their CME is subsidized by pharma. No.idea that their professional organizations get lots of funding from pharma.

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And that “peer reviewed” studies, the medical board & medical society “guidelines” are also controlled by Big Pharma

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D.O.G.E hopefully will open more eyes and minds.

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I was in a renown clinic in our area this past Thursday for my pre op appointment with my doctor. Waiting to get on the elevator was a drug rep with her rolling suitcase of poisons du jour, along with a catering person with prepared lunches for whatever department they were headed to brainwash….I actually felt such anger pulsating through my entire being! I remembered the days of those “free lunches”, and how most of the docs hated to even give those reps the time of day that it took from their already very limited time with their patients.

Unfortunately it was all part of the “game”…part of the Allopathic Dance of big pHARMa. I was actually quite shocked at my own reaction of such anger at what I saw.

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All part of the grift...

Imagine how we'd feel if--every single time we went into a government agency--we encountered similar "representatives" and "caterers" there to grease the institution to align better with "their" objectives over and against the people's.

Of course nobody buys their own lunch in Congress.

You were lucky to witness it!

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We were in hospital last weekend with a relative who had a very unfortunate medical event. One of this person's kids is a drug rep who reps the group of docs who staff the facility where the sick relative is. The dr happened to be making rounds when this kid was present. The dr jokingly asked the drug rep child doesn't [child's drug x] work for [medical problem of relative] too?

Of course the dr was joking. Everyone knew that.

However, the evil irony is that the drug in mention may well be responsible for complicating the treatment course for the medical condition that the parent has. Of course, dr and kid are oblivious.

And even the fact that it was up as a joke was disconcerting, given that the drug in mention has an allegedly narrow indication. So, why is there any conversation about it having wider usefulness? It didn't make sense to me. But then, I am very biased nowadays.

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Wow. You know, I think that I too would probably react similarly.

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This is EXACTLY what I’m talking about in my previous comment!

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I cringe at the admonishment “Stay Safe!” that seems to be an automatic closing to an email or an ending to a conversation. I used to tell my kids to “Be careful!” until one responded “Like I’m going to be careless?” Point made! Now I say “Have fun—I love you!”

As a woman of faith, I am equipped with good sense and safe in my sovereign Father’s arms and no amount of human effort can improve on that.

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I love it! I always say "Make good choices and don't talk to clowns!" My poor (adult) kids, LOL.

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“Stay safe” is the “amen” of the Covidiocracy religion

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Beautiful yet painful to read post dear Jenna. 😘❤️

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Ah Jenna... I laughed, I cried, I vowed not to comply! Thank you for another brilliant perspective laid out so deliciously. 🙏❤️

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Thank you, Laura! I appreciate your time and support. :)

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Well said.

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Another well-observed observation, Ms McCarthy.

The ultra-fabulous Mike Rowe (also known by his less familiar title as "the Jenna McCarthy of Dirty Jobs") has always put it: "Safety Third!" going on to say that if "Safety" really was "First!!!" humankind would never get anything done, and we'd all sit indoors--and starve...

"Safety" is "Important," but not the "Be all and End all."

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Good one.

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On Friday, a "Hate Speech" Bill was passed in the Australian Senate, rushed through on a Friday afternoon as they do, with debate gagged. All major parties and most minor ones voted "Yes", with only 2 independent Senators voting against it.

(We already have perfectly adequate laws against "Incitement to Violence" at State level - where most of our criminal law is enacted.)

It comes with a mandatory jail sentence, no discretion allowed from the Judge if you are convicted under this law.

Freedom of speech is our most fundamental freedom, underpinning all other rights and freedoms, and this is a worrisome trend that is spreading across all our countries like a plague!

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Common sense and thinking for oneself is a dying quality unfortunately. A certain percentage of people want to be told what to do or leave things for other people to decide for them. I have come across many of these types of people.

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Sadly, I have to agree.😭

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