They Hid Vaccine Deaths Because "Disclosure Could Undermine Public Confidence."—The FLCCC News Capsule for February 19, 2023
A Compendium of the Latest COVID-19 News, Facts & Features
Can you imagine the following?
In this scenario, it has been discovered that a country’s official drug regulation agency concealed COVID vaccine deaths from its citizens in order to blind the masses to the life-threatening dangers posed by the injections. Why? So people would still line up willingly to receive the shots after being told by authorities they were safe and effective.
“Cardiac arrest? Young people having heart attacks? Tremors? Renal impairment? Blood clots? Nope! Nothing to see here! Hey kids, step up. Who’s next?”
Oh, wait. Right. You’ve heard this before…so yes, you CAN imagine it.
But you’ll want to hear this story anyway.
In this particular instance, we are referring to Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) which appears to have concealed numerous vaccine-induced fatalities from its citizenry. The discovery came from documents obtained under a Freedom of Information (FOI) request made by Dr. Melissa McCann. After noticing a much higher than normal number of patients coming through her clinic experiencing adverse events from the shots, Dr. McCann lodged the FOI request. What she found were multiple adverse events reports that the TGA deemed to be linked to COVID vaccination—but had NOT been reported in the TGA’s regular COVID Vaccine Safety Reports. The reported deaths—including a 7-year-old and a 9-year-old—are listed in the Database of Adverse Event Notifications (DAEN), but the causality assessment is NOT visible to the public.
Exhibits A, B and C are offered below.

Dr. McCann wrote to the Health Ministers of the TGA and called for a cessation to Australia’s vaccination program pending an urgent review of the adverse event report.
“The high number of observed adverse events constitutes a serious safety signal and in my view, continuation of approval represents an abrogation of our duty of care in relation to medication safety and regulatory approval.”
Their response? Dodging and weaving…silence…and assurances that they were on it. Then this from Adjunct Professor John Skerritt of the Health Products Regulation Group to Dr. McCann: “TGA's focus remains on keeping Australians as safe as possible from a dangerous and very contagious virus that has killed millions of people globally. I hope this information has been of assistance to you.”
Not even a little bit, Professor Skerritt.
Oh, and Dr. McCann, you are a global hero.
Staying in Australia for a moment…
Our Dr. Pierre Kory was one of four world renowned speakers who traveled throughout Australia last week to present a series of exclusive COVID education conferences that included Dr. Peter McCullough — also a leading voice in the medical response to COVID-19. They were joined by the aforementioned North Queensland general practitioner Dr. Melissa McCann, along with U.S.-based author John Leake.
Sold-out audiences at every venue around the country heard the speakers share all they have learned from the worldwide medical and political reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic. Discussions covered everything from Long COVID, vaccine injury, the effect and cost of lockdowns, to the most effective treatment protocols for COVID-19. Dr. Kory took some time to tell audiences the story of how Big Pharma corrupted the high-impact medical journals, how they are shaping science by choosing — through the funding they provide — which studies get the green light and which do not.
The conferences were held on the Gold Coast, the Sunshine Coast, Melbourne and Sydney. We will post links to the videos from the conference on our social media channels as soon as they become available. In the meantime, here are some photos from the conferences.
Dr. Kory has been criss-crossing the globe of late. Last month, he spoke at the “Pandemic Strategies: Lessons and Consequences — International Conference” in Stockholm, Sweden. HERE, you can watch “Propaganda and Censorship of Effective Generic Drugs and the Physicians Who Prescribe Them” from Dr. Kory’s presentation in Sweden.
This is no ordinary fish story. Not at all.
This is all about fish oil—which is rich in two essential fatty acids that have profound health-promoting effects: EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). They are present in the membranes of all cells but are especially concentrated in the brain, heart, and testes. Read all about its marvelous health benefits HERE.
Last week’s FLCCC Weekly Webinar featured a lively discussion on “How Censoring Doctors Harms Patients.” Host Betsy Ashton was joined by special guests Dr. Yusuf (JP) Saleeby and Dr. Aaron Kheriaty. Watch it in its entirety HERE.
“I have never met a patient in California of whatever political persuasion who wants to go to a physician where the physician is bound by a legal gag order. They don’t want to ask the doctor a question and NOT get his or her honest answer or opinion.” —Dr. Aaron Kheriaty
This week’s episode of Long (COVID) Story Short with our Dr. Mobeen Syed is actually a brief segment of our FLCCC Webinar from 2 weeks ago. Why? Because Dr. Been, along with Dr. Paul Marik, are BEYOND excited about berberine—a herbal Chinese medicine — and its manifold health benefits. This discussion on “Metabolic Syndrome Defined and How to Treat It” features an explanation of berberine’s role in moderating symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome—which is a constellation of symptoms that can raise your risk of heart disease. This is an extremely important video to watch and share. More on berberine and its astonishing healthful properties next week.
“Berberine is nature’s gift to us.” — Dr. Paul Marik
Hugh’s greatest fear during the pandemic was going to the hospital for treatment. But he and his wife had everything they needed in their home pharmacy, and were ready when they got COVID in early 2023. A beautiful MyStory.
Please consider adding your name to THIS LETTER appealing for an end to the suppression of medical professionals’ speech. This suppression is illegal—protected by the First Amendment and state statutes.
Drs. Kory and Marik were among the first to add their names to the growing number of signatories. Please share this letter with other physicians and scientists you may know. Many thanks.
I’m so glad Dr. Kory was able to do this!
This is exactly as is went in 1976 when the Swine Flu Fiasco happened in the USA.